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Topping choices: tapioca or popping boba. Made with fresh milk and egg pudding.
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Peach Pudding Boba 桃子布丁

Peach bubble tea with pudding and fresh milk.
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Banana Pudding Boba 香蕉布丁

Banana bubble tea with pudding and fresh milk.
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Brown Sugar Pudding Boba 黑糖布丁

Brown sugar bubble tea with pudding and fresh milk.
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Coconut Pudding Boba 椰汁布丁

Coconut bubble tea with pudding and fresh milk.
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Mango Pudding Boba 芒果布丁

Mango bubble tea with pudding and fresh milk.
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Matcha Pudding Boba 抹茶布丁

Matcha bubble tea with pudding and fresh milk.
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Papaya Pudding Boba 木瓜布丁

Papaya bubble tea with pudding and fresh milk.
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Passion Fruit Pudding Boba 百香果布丁

Passion fruit bubble tea with pudding and fresh milk.
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Pineapple Pudding Boba 菠萝布丁

Pineapple bubble tea with pudding and fresh milk.
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Honey Melon Dew Pudding Boba 哈密瓜布丁

Honey melon dew bubble tea with pudding and fresh milk.